Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019
I recently explored salmon culture in the Pacific Northwest for a fourteen page feature story in National Geographic Traveler Magazine to accompany words by Langdon Cook. We followed the Brigham family as they harvested chinook on the Columbia River via dipnetting, hoopnetting, setnetting, and sold fish at their native owned Brigham fish market in Cascade Locks. I also attended a First Foods ceremony by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation, photographed Yakima Nation dipnetters in the Klickitat river, dined with chef John Sundstrom at Lark Restaurant, and was nearly clobbered by flying fish at the Pike Place Fish Market. Here are some of the tearsheets and additional images from the shoot:

Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019

Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019

Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019

Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019

Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019

Big Fish Tale, National Geographic Traveler. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019

Native American fishing sisters Kim and Terrie Brigham collect spring chinook salmon from their subsistence hoop nets on platforms they built near the Bridge of the Gods and Cascade Locks, Oregon. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019 for National Geographic Traveler Magazine.

Terrie Brigham with a chinook salmon caught in a hoop net in the Columbia River. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019 for National Geographic Traveler Magazine.

A morning trip on the Columbia river gilnetting for chinook salmon with captain Terrie Brigham from Cascade Locks, Oregon. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019 for National Geographic Traveler Magazine.

Chinook Salmon pass by the viewing windows at the Bonneville Dam fish ladder on the Columbia River between Washington and Oregon. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019 for National Geographic Traveler Magazine.

The Gunnier Family, a Yakima tribe family from Washington, holding their catch of chinook salmon on the Klickitat river. Photos copyright Corey Arnold 2019 for National Geographic Traveler Magazine.